Although there are many progress in the health sector in Bangladesh, but death of non-communicable diseases (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes) has become a big challenge for us. Currently, 67% of total deaths are due to non-communicable diseases. In order to reduce the use of tobacco, the government needs to focus on both the demand and supply. To achieve the target of tobacco-free country, it is necessary to prevent the intervention of tobacco companies at the present time. At 9 October, on the occasion of National tobacco free Day, at the VIP lounge of the National Press Club at 11 A.M., Speakers expressed the views at a meeting of "urgent measures to stop the intervention of tobacco…
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Anti-tobacco activists urged for ensuring accountability and transparency of all discussion with tobacco companies and imposing higher tax on all tobacco products. On 23 April 2018, Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance (BATA) and Anti-Tobacco Women Alliance (TABINAJ) jointly conducted a sit-in place program in front of National Board of Revenue (NBR). Representatives from various anti-tobacco organizations were present in the program. Earlier, anti-tobacco organizations came to know that NBR is going to organize a meeting with Bangladesh Cigarette Manufacturers Association on 23rd April 2018. As per FCTC article 5.3, any discussion with tobacco company have to be transparent. Demanding to follow the obligation, BATA and TABINAJ organized a sit-in place program to seek attention the authority.
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Avoiding the provision of Smoking and Tobacco Uses (control) act, British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BATB) is conducting innovative promotional activities in the renowned universities of the country. Behind this program so-called program under the name of giving employment to the youth, BATB is promoting aggressive campaign and giving the death stick named cigarette in the hand of potential young generation. Where government is working to make Bangladesh as a 'tobacco-free country’, in that situation the crafty tobacco company BATB is busy in making new smokers. And for this, they have chosen the bright students who are very potential for future. Anti-tobacco organizations has urged for immediate stopping of such activities. On October 25, anti-tobacco organizations have taken…
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Giving priority to health risks of tobacco uses, the government of Bangladesh imposed 1% surcharge on all tobacco products from 2014-15 fiscal year. For proper management of the money earned from surcharge, National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) initiated and started to prepare a policy under lead of Ministry of Health and Family welfare. But, this policy which was supportive for the promotion of public health, could not be raised in the cabinet for a long time due to various strategies of tobacco companies. Recently, by preventing the fraudulent techniques of tobacco companies, the "Health Development Surcharge Management Policy" has been passed giving emphasis on public health. Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance sincerely thanked Prime Minister for passing the policy.…
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Taking proper steps to implement Article 5.3.of international tobacco control treaty FCTC is necessary to keep the law and policies free from tobacco companies influence. Speakers expressed this in a seminar titled “Necessity of implementation of FCTC article 5.3 in tobacco control” held at Chittagong divisional commissioner’s office on 6 February 2017. WBB Trust, Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance and The Union jointly organized the seminar. Chittagong Divisional Commissioner Ruhul Amin addressed the discussion as chief guest while Additional Divisional Commissioner Syeda Sarowar Jahan was in the chair. Among others, Divisional Deputy Director (Local Govt.) Md. Mizanur Rahman, Deputy Director of agriculture extention department Md. Aminul Huq Chowdhury, Assistant Director (Admin) of Director Health’s Office Dr. Mohammad Abdur Rahim, ADC…
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All sorts of tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship are banned by the tobacco control law. So, death-stick seller tobacco companies are conducting various deceptive activities to addict youth in tobacco use. From the moral position and principle of international tobacco control treaty, it is necessary to refrain from supporting tobacco industries to arrange any program. Public and private university authorities should be concerned that no tobacco companies could enter in the educational institutions. Speakers opined that in a discussion meeting organized by Stamford University Bangladesh and Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust at Shiddheswary campus auditorium of Stamford University Bangladesh on 31 January 2017. Professor Dr. M Feroze Ahmed, Vice Chancellor of Stamford University Bangladesh addressed…
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Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) has declared all their transport smoke-free. Generally about 20 million people traveled in the BRTC bus yearly. So through this initiative huge number of passenger will be benefited. BRTC Chairman Mizanur Rahman stated this in the inauguration ceremony of smoke free transport jointly organized by BRTC and WBB Trust on 02 may 2016 at BRTC office. It is noted that, a delegation of Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance (BATA) met with BRTC chairman and requested to declare and install smoke free transport signage in all the BRTC buses (about 1043). As the result of this policy advocacy he issued a letter to declare the buses smoke free. In the inauguration program BRTC Chairman install…
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Tobacco Industries are cunningly doing conspiracy to affect tobacco control programs. It is necessary to protect public health development from Industries including tobacco control. Besides, since tobacco is the main cause of long-term non-communicable diseases like heart disease, cancer, stroke, lung diseases, so government health program will emphasize for sustainable tobacco control in the ongoing operational plan of the Directorate General of Health Services. Top level officials of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) expressed this views in a seminar titled “Necessity of ensuring the implementation of FCTC article 5.3 and sustainable funding for NCD control” held at meeting room of DGHS on 16 March 2017. DGHS and Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust jointly…
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To make delay in providing the legal obligations of pictorial warning in tobacco packages within 19 March, tobacco companies are applying misleading propaganda and counter strategies. According to present laws and regulations, there is no argument for this kind of confusion. Pictorial health warning in the tobacco package is an important mechanism to prevent tobacco invasion in worldwide. But shrewd tobacco companies are trying to delay the process with various unethical activities. Anti-tobacco activists urge to the govt. for taking strict and firm steps to prevent companies plot in a press conference held at Dhaka reporters unity on 15 February 2016. Activist thanked the Prime Minister for making commitment to build a No Tobacco Country. They said…
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To make delay in providing the legal obligations of pictorial warning in tobacco packages within 19 March, tobacco companies are applying misleading propaganda and counter strategies. According to present laws and regulations, there is no argument for this kind of confusion. Pictorial health warning in the tobacco package is an important mechanism to prevent tobacco invasion in worldwide. But shrewd tobacco companies are trying to delay the process with various unethical activities. Anti-tobacco activists urge to the govt. for taking strict and firm steps to prevent companies plot in a press conference held at Dhaka reporters unity on 15 February 2016. Activist thanked the Prime Minister for making commitment to build a No Tobacco Country. They said…
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