
The program was addressed by Syed Mahbubul Alam, Secretary, BATA, Abu Naser Khan, Chairman of Save the Environment Movement (POBA), Helal Ahmed, and Secretary General of Prottyasha Anti-Drugs Club, Abdul Alim, Deputy Program Manager, NATAB, Syeda Anonna Rahman, National Advocacy Officer, WBB Trust, Shahidul Islam Babu, Founder Chairman, Arunodoyar Torun Dal.
Syed Mahbubul Alam said Tobacco consumption leads to diseases, deaths and deteriorated economy for people. Every year 57,000 people die while 3, 82,000 people become disabled for tobacco consumption in Bangladesh. The estimated expenditure for treatment for tobacco related diseases is 11000 crore taka. In order to control this diseases and death causing products governement have banned its advertisements, declared 100% smoke-free public places and public transports, ensure pictorial health warning on its packets, ban its farming, assisting to quit and high taxation should be imposed, added Syed Alam.
Abu Naser Khan said because of the loopholes of the existing tobacco control law, companies are continuing tricky advertising its products which hampers smoking control in public places and public transports. The arable land is being used for tobacco farming. Deforestation is being caused for cutting trees for tobacco leaf curing. The price of tobacco is not increasing in proportion with necessary commodities even though it is harmful for health, environment and economy.
Helal Ahmed said tobacco companies are hampering tobacco control initiatives (law amendment and tax increase etc.) through propagating information of employment loss, and decrease of revenue. They are also creating confusion among mass people about tobacco control issues. They are also working to hide their mean tricks through many corporate social responsibilities. Immediate actions should be taken to stop such initiatives by tobacco companies.
The speakers made demand of amendment of tobacco control law-2005, high taxation on all kinds of tobacco products in the ensuing budget, making 100% smoke-free public places and public transports, incorporating pictorial tobacco health warning for illiterate and less educated people, taking strict action for countering food crisis and save arable land, and running regular mobile courts for effective law implementation. Representatives from United People Trust, Green Mind Society, Relation, Manob Unnayan Shongstha & different organization are attended the program.