
Tobacco control activists demanded quitting and law amendment in Month of Ramadan. Though it started as fashion and result of request, it ends in disease and deaths. So, in order to control this deadly products government should undertake amendment initiative in addition to individual efforts. The speakers made the claim at a demonstration organized by anti-tobacco organizations in front of Charukola on 28 July 2012 at 11.00 am.
The program was organized by Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco (BATA), WBB Trust and Protyasha Anti-Drugs Club organized the function. The function was chaired by Helal Ahmed, Secretary General of Protyasha Anti-Drugs Club while Advocate Syed Mahbubul Alam, Arifur Rahman of EC Bangladesh, Amir Hossain of Green Mind Society, and S M Saikot of SERAC Bangladesh addressed in the function.
The speakers said that it is better to control tobacco consumption rather than establishing number of cancer hospitals. Treatment of cancer is available in these hospitals, but there is nothing but tobacco control to keep people free from diseases.
They also said second hand smoking is harmful for all; about 1 corer women in Bangladesh are affected by passive smoking from public transport and public places even though they do not smoke. Public place and public transports should be made 100% smoke-free to save women from passive smoking. Though it is recommended in the proposed law to be amended, media tells us that tobacco companies are objecting for their own interests. They are convincing the concerned officials that such kind of sections can not be implemented. Not only smoking but also all kinds of food intake is not seen in Ramadan which is actually expected. This will be accepted bountifully if public places and transports are made 100% smoke-free.
They also said tobacco packets encourage smokers to smoking. For this tobacco packets should be designed with deadly pictures. As a result smokers will be notified about the effects of tobacco and smoking.
The speakers said that government is undertaking many initiatives by spending billions of taka, employing labor and manpower. Yet, drugs use is increasing; it will increase more if the means of drug addiction like tobacco or smoking is not checked.
They added smoking is taking away our near and dear ones from us. We lost Writer Humayun Ahmed, Humayun Faridi, Pop singer Azam Khan, and George Harrison, who were real friends of our War of Liberation. Millions of youth are addicted to smoking these days. Number of smokers is increasing day by day marking deaths and diseases. Strict actions needed for reducing deaths and diseases which is possible only by law amendment and high taxation.
The function is also addressed by BRCT-Dhaka, PSS-Dhaka, Worker’s Movement-Dhaka University, NATAB-Dhaka, SAAC-Manikgonj, BICD-Rajshahi, YouthYearar-Dhaka, Arunodoyer Tarun Dal-Dhaka, Hitoishi Bangladesh, Diganto Sangstha-Dhaka and other organizations.