
Vice-chancellor of Jagannath University Professor Dr. Mejhbahuddin Ahmed proclaimed the University smoke-free at the presence of non-smoker students, teachers and officials. He was speaking in a program organized by Prottyasha Anti Drugs Club, WBB Trust and World Health Organization (WHO) on 31st May (World No Tobacco Day) 2010.
The program was addressed by among others Dr. Akramul Islam, technical consultant of The Union, Professor Dr. Sawkat Jahangir, treasurer of Jagannath University, Dr. Jahid Hossain Khan, director of the planning department, Satku Ahmed, famous film director and Helal Ahmed, general secretary of Prottyasha Anti Drugs Club. The program was coordinated by Aminul Islam Sujon, senior project officer of WBB Trust. A Baul song team performed before and after the program.