
Tobacco companies are obstructing the implementation of different laws and policies of the country. The Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance and the WBB Trust organized a demonstration program in front of the Shahbagh National Museum on December 9, 2020, demanding legislation to curb the influence of tobacco companies on all public health policies.
Speakers at the program said that tobacco companies are obstructing tobacco control activities by influencing government institutions across the country including the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Ministry of Law. In the past, there has been a clear interference of tobacco companies behind the delay in the enactment of tobacco control laws and regulations.
Although tobacco control laws have been enacted in the country in response to the demands of the people, tobacco companies are violating the law in various ways. The Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance demanded the enactment of a specific, timely, and strong law to keep tobacco control policies free from company interference.
Representatives of Pratyasha Anti-Drug Organization, Aid Foundation, TCRC, Grambangla Unnayan Committee, IWB, DAS, Paribesh Bachao Andolan- POBA, CCAB, Caritas Bangladesh, and Drug Free Bangladesh participated in the human chain.