Conference on Sustainable Funding for Health Promotion

প্রেরন করেছেন : admin , Web Developer, kakrail,81/f,dhaka

On 8-9 February 2021, Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust, ThaiHealth, HealthBridge Foundation of Canada, Bangladesh Institute of Planners, and The Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance are jointly organizing a virtual Conference on Sustainable Funding for Health Promotion.
The main purpose of the conference is to spread awareness in Bangladesh about the potential for a Health Promotion Foundation and to discuss various issues involved in establishing such a Foundation.
Speakers at the conference are from a range of disciplines and backgrounds.

The main topics of the conference are:

  • Possibilities and promises of a Health Promotion Foundation
  • Health vs. Treatment – why a separate body for health promotion is needed
  • Health Promotion Foundation: what it could look like in practice
  • What topics and working areas a Health Promotion Foundation in Bangladesh could address?
  • What are potential sources of revenue to ensure that a Health Promotion Foundation in Bangladesh remains sustainable?
  • What is the relevance of a Health Promotion Foundation for Bangladesh?
  • What hope do participants have for a potential Health Promotion Foundation?

You are warmly invited to participate in this important conference.